Volunteering is rapidly gaining popularity in the world. But, unfortunately, because not all people want or have the opportunity to understand the issue, prejudices arise that have no real basis.

  1. Volunteers are free labor.

Volunteers do work for free. But if you look around you will see tons of things done by volunteers. A great example is the theater in a small village in America, which was rebuilt by volunteers. As a result of their work, thousands of people were able to enjoy the space again.

Volunteers spend their own time, investing their energies in solving socially important problems. Therefore, they certainly deserve respect and the same treatment as full-time employees.

  1. Volunteers have rights.

Few people know, but volunteers really have rights, and they are spelled out in the law. Volunteers have the right to be reimbursed (e.g. food if the activity lasts more than four hours, travel expenses to the place of assistance), to receive complete and accurate information about the place, time and conditions of volunteer activity. Also, if you are a student and the direction of your assistance matches the direction of your major, it can be credited to you as an internship.

  1. Volunteering is a waste of time.

But not everything is measured by money. Volunteering is about opportunity, much more important than a one-time income. And also, the experience and acquaintances gained while volunteering can come in handy in various life situations.

  1. Volunteer organizations are a cult.

Volunteer organizations, unlike sects, are often areligious and apolitical. They are built on voluntary, mutually beneficial cooperation, but in no way on manipulation and extortion. Volunteers perform all tasks only as they wish, and instead of restrictions they receive only opportunities for self-development.

  1. Volunteering is exclusively about war or collecting money on the street.

In fact, you can volunteer in different areas. Everyone realizes himself differently. For example, helping the homeless, pensioners or sick children, protecting animal rights supports the eco-movement. If you are a specialist in a certain area, you can be a pro bono expert. In addition, the help of volunteers is needed at various events, festivals, conferences.