Volunteers are people who participate in socially useful activities on a pro bono basis.

Volunteering is a contribution to a common cause, the development of culture, society, the improvement of individual people’s lives. Volunteer daily develops a lot of useful qualities: he/she sharpens communication skills, gets new knowledge, acquaintances, and gets a huge life experience, applicable not only to career development, but also to personal life.
It is important to know that anyone can become a volunteer, regardless of age, gender, and occupation.
How you can help: even an hour of volunteer time can change someone’s life! So all you have to do is choose the most convenient, helpful and enjoyable way to volunteer. By helping others, you help yourself.
Remember, a volunteer doesn’t always have the time – they just have the heart.
The benefits of volunteering:
- Making a difference.
- Teamwork
- Ability to compromise and solve problems
- New friends and acquaintances
- Career prospects on a city and international level
- Developing self-confidence, feeling needed and valued
- Improvement of language skills